Feather Flowers

Feather flowers

I first made these last year in Hawaii while we were staying in Hana.

First you need to get your supplies together
This picture is how they did it in Hana

Here is how I did it today at home. (All my supplies for this project can off amazon as I am not going out for much but food since the shelter at home order can in a couple of weeks ago.)

Fist thing is to get a few stamens out

Bunch them together as shown below

Use a 6 inch piece of thin wire and wrap it around the center of the stamens 

Next you take a piece of florist tape about 5 or 6 inches long 

 Wrap the stamens and wire  with florist tape like in the next image.

Now we get to the feathers. I sorted out the colors I wanted and started with the smallest yellow feathers (how you design the colors is very much up to you)

After put one or two feathers around the stamen set, you take about 6 inches of florist tape, while holding the feathers with a couple of fingers, tightly wrap the tape around a couple of times .

Continue  adding a couple of feather then wrapping the tape a couple of times. When you run out of the piece of tape you are using, cut another and repeat the feather and wrap process.

You can add other colors or make one that is all the same color.

As you add more feathers the base will get thinker, but remember to pull the tape tightly or your feathers will not be held in place. There is a fine area between tightly and the tape ripping. Don't worry if your tape rips. Just start it over.

The florist tape will stick to itself if pull tight

Continue to add feathers around below the first circle of feathers until your flower is like you want it. I do three or four circles of feather. I only put one or two feathers each time I wrap tape around as it can be hard to keep the feathers where I want them otherwise.

When you have the flower like you want it and the feathers are all  where you want them, then I add another piece of wire to strengthen the stem of the flower. I bend it in half so the points are up by the feathers.

Then you start to use the florist tape tp wrap from the  feathers down this steam

Youn continue to the bottom of the stem, then I wrap it tightly back up the stem about an inch. I press it into the tape below so it will stick firmly.

There you have your flower. It can be a little frustrating if you try to rush it as the feathers like to slide around when putting the on. Just relax and be patient . It may take a couple of tries, but they are very pretty. It is also possible to work in teams, this makes it easier. One person helps hold the feathers as other person wraps the tape. 

Good Luck and have fun creating these fluffy beauties.


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