Fabric Fun

These first two pictures are not that good and very old. It was something I did for my first child. We were students at the time and I was able to find all the things I need to make the wall hanging and all the crib  linens on sale. I think everything cost me about 10 dollars in total. Both the fabric was on super sale and things were cheaper then, but I was still so proud to be able to give our baby such a fun space and do so within the budget we had.

This next piece was a purse I designed and sewed fo another swap I did at an event.

Now this project kinda got out of hand. I wanted to learn some tye dye  styles 

I think I must have done close to fity shirts

In all kinds of colors and patterns. My husband told me he was worried that all his clothing would look like they came from the sixties. (I did not touch any of our normal clothing though)
Here is the results of that weekend of tye dye binging

I ended up taking them to a show a month later and they sold really well. Would still like to do some more of it, but maybe on a much smaller scale!


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