
So earlier this year for my Birthday I went to one of those ceramic painting storing and sat down and painted these two pieces, they did not come out like i had hoped, so I decided unless I was going to use the ceramics for food items, I will probably not do it again, it was so different from when I had my studio and knew all my paints and what they did, also the cost to do multiple firings to get the effects I would have like is fairly expensive.

Here are the to bisque pieces I started with

 They were not pour in the Staes I found out after I chose them.

They came out okay, but not up to my usual standard

I then decided to try a different route and went to a store down in the valley where the owner pours and cleaner her own stock

This was a little cupid peace I did for valentines time
First I put a set of black on most of the piece

Then I stared to add color by dry brushing the grass

Then I added some dark brown to the bear

Next I stared to lighten areas to bring in more definition 

Then I stared of the eyes and other non fur parts on the bear

Next I added some brighter colors in red and pink

I then put a pearlized clear coat on the pinks and reds

Then came the white pearl wings

And finally he made it out tp my table to decorate the holiday.
I was much more pleased with this guy than the ones I did in the shop!
I will continue  to do some more pieces for fun and  that as the year goes on!


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