A Feather in My Cap

One of the things that I sold out of at Anime Expo were my mini hat that I made.

This is a picture of the hats I decorated and brought with me to anime expo.
This hat was a full size hat so it did not have and barrettes attached. All of the others were mini hats and had hair clips to help hold them in place.

This one was dapper with feathers in black and white.

This one was the first sold. It was quite jaunty with the fabric rose and peacock feathers.

For the brown geared person

With the black spider with crystal in it body and red feathers to accent it, this one made a bold statement.

This one with fluffy brown/ white feathers and a crystal center set a soft accent to the mini black top hat.

This one is the only one I took that did not have feathers on it. The hat was accented with fabric petals and a black and silver brooch center.

This black and crystal flower had "leaves" of black ostrich feather

Spiky white feathers and clear acrylic beads set a flamboyant turn for this hat.

Soft white feather, black thin feather wisps, and a silver filigree butterfly set the tone here

This last one had soft fluffy white feathers and filigreed round ornament set the style of this mini hat

It was a lot of fun to design these. I think more will be in the works soon!


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